The benefits of staying at luxury tented camps and tented safari lodges are the following

Do you like a room with four dividers and standard plumbing or a canvas tent on the fields? Your safari accommodation sways everything from the wildlife you see to the food you eat to individuals you encircle yourself with.

There are advantages with each arrangement - some more direct than others. But, more than that, you will hear some misinformation concerning safari accommodations.

We will first discuss a few advantages of staying at tented safari lodges

Tented Lodges

Like permanent hotels and cabins, tented lodges offer large numbers of natural solaces. However, they will be more modest and incorporate probably the most luxurious provisions more often than not.

Customary Lodgings

You might have canvas dividers, yet you will likewise regularly have enduring plumbing, extensive parlor regions power, and Wi-Fi.


Just a touch of canvas wall isolates you from the greenery and wildlife outside, which can cause the experience to feel extraordinary and bona fide.

Less Diverse Customer Service

While they serve fewer individuals, tented lodges work on a range. A few fill in as few as 25 rooms; others serve 40. Moreover, your administration and experience will differ.

Once more, the luxury tented camp will incorporate staff allocated to you, and some incorporate exceptional extravagances like private dive pools. Bigger camps regularly balance the necessities of numerous travelers immediately.


Staying at a tented lodge is more costly than the hotel, yet clear choices run the range.

We now discuss the advantages of staying at a luxury tent. 


Regardless of when you decide to travel or where the Great Migration is, a camp can get you near the activity. The vast majority, in our experience, go on safari to see the wildlife; luxury camps carry you to it.


Likewise, because these camps serve fewer individuals and turn so as not to upset the environment, the vegetation and natural life are close by and plentiful. You will hear lions and hyenas somewhere near when you go to rest. Your day will start with tracking down animal tracks in the camp. It's a genuine safari experience.

Individual Service

Since they regularly oblige fewer explorers, luxury camps offer more customized administration. This shifts by how luxurious the camp is, so it is vital to explore the number of rooms an administrator serves and their rating.

Private Places and Dining

Eating at luxury camps might fluctuate. However, you can have private space, and dining is a pleasure in such camps. 

Natural Luxury

These camps form a harmony with nature - pared down in sure regards, luxurious in others. You will rest serenely in warm, comfortable beds and enjoy unwinding and stylish parlor regions. 


The cost is less compared to other ways of having accommodation. Costs range from moderate to costly. 

It is wise to contact Drunken Elephant Mara to stay at such camps and lodges. You can expect to have a total return on the money you spend. Reach them at +254 738 450 106 or +254 711 192 476 or +254 738 450 106 to select the best camp or lodge to stay. 


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